Welcome! I'm excited to get this going, and hope everyone will have fun.

Before you post IC, please take care of the following:
  • Be sure you have your spells prepared (vs. known) for the day selected.
  • Get a post header (picture/icon with stats) pulled together. It's very helpful to me as the DM in combat; it's optional during non-combat posts.
  • Join the Discord
  • Check your character sheet's backstory to make sure it includes what your family's tie to the Order is. If you have family members traveling with you, please make sure I know who.

Dialogue colors are optional. I just use italics for my own posts.

I prefer that the party stay together during the first section. You can use Discord polls to quickly determine where you're going next. Best 3/5, or if 24 hours go and we don't have many votes, whatever has 2 votes or was said first will go.