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Thread: Day of the Octopus

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Default Re: Day of the Octopus

    Hercules and Loki are the first to arrive at the scene (at least, outside the building), where they find a cordon of police around the entrance to the building. One officer, a slightly overweight captain, sees their approach and jogs over.

    "Oh man am I glad to see you, Hercules." He casts an uncertain look toward Loki but doesn't say anything. "I don't think we've got enough firepower to keep Electro from just blasting his way out of there. He let most of the people who were in the bank go, but questioning some of them, they say there are still a bunch of hostages and maybe a half dozen men beside Electro himself."

    Suddenly, reporter Amelia Blaine pushes herself into the conversation and puts a microphone in Hercules' face (she has to stretch a bit). Shining her bright smile at him, she asks, "Hercules, what's your plan to defeat Electro and rescue-"

    Before she can finish her question, the officer gently pushes her away. "Sorry, ma'am, but this is police business."

    Across the street from the building, and a few stories up, Sleeper is clinging to the wall, invisible. He can see Hercules and Loki on the ground below, though he probably doesn't recognize them. As far as entrances to the building go, the windows on the lower levels are barred, but Sleeper could probably slip in through a window a few stories up without any difficulty. Frankly, from up here, he could probably just jump over the police officers' heads and run in the front door.

    Inside the building, Kaine makes his way easily to the ground floor. Looking down into the bank lobby from the ducts, he can see a crowd of hostages - mostly bank employees - along one of the walls. Scattered about the lobby, but keeping away from the windows, are five men with firearms - a mix of shotguns and Uzis. They seem to have skipped normal bank robber -chic in favor of outfits similar to Electro's costume, supplemented with gas masks.

    There's the obvious main exit from the bank, as well as exits to the bank offices and down to the vault.

    Kaine, of course, hasn't seen the news bulletin, but his spider-sense is warning him nonetheless that there's something here more dangerous than just five men with guns. In case their odd fashion choices weren't clue enough.

    Doom: 2D6
    Last edited by Thane of Fife; 2023-11-07 at 09:27 PM.
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