Quote Originally Posted by DataNinja View Post
Yeah, I didn't really have any hope, I just wasn't expecting basically doubling down on the problem. I know I'm very much done now. Things have felt very scattershot for ages, and this is very much the kick in the teeth I needed to realize that it's not going to get better. (Really, I should have followed my gut and gotten out when Dave decided to delve into succubus slavery and whatnot the first time and it felt... tone-deaf, but I've always tended to give things too much of the benefit of the doubt.)
Yeah. I've been reading this thing since before the bank, and... I'm done. If he'd left it as it was last Thursday, I probably would've let it slide a little longer, but Monday's page undermined even his weak authorial-fiat, "Everybody's okay with it, so it's fine!" (it's not) with, "Actually they're probably not okay with it but we'll never know because Dabbler magic-roofied everybody, and that's a totally fine and cool thing for her to do!"

It's also just been getting further and further away from the comic that I started reading, with no signs that it's ever going to get back to that — or even that the intro is even compatible with the reality in which the comic exists now. I mean, when was the last time any of the characters (other than Sydney) from the first strips even appeared? I signed up for a comic about a geek girl who runs a comic store and plays superhero RPGs with her ordinary friends and deals with regular relationship problems even though she's an actual superhero herself, not one where we haven't even seen the inside of the comic store in, I dunno, years? and she's banging furries from outer space and getting date raped by succubi.