Quote Originally Posted by Shining Wrath View Post
The text absolutely supports that Mom is more powerful than Parfait, and that Mom's aura could be further amplified by devices. Now since so far as we have been shown every single person in the building began engaging in some sort of sexual activity because of Parfait, I think you need to acknowledge that (1) This is mind control and (2) if people were hit with a far more powerful mind control aura that they might not be able to resist it at all. Especially given the amplifier devices. Can, e.g., Deus give Mom an amplifier that makes her aura 10,000 times as powerful? OK, maybe that fries out the brain, so we only need to be 100x as powerful as Parfait before rational thought becomes impossible. Or 5x. There is some level of mind control where resistance is futile.

According to pretty much every D&D type game and lots of fantasy literature, there's a "Domination" spell or equivalent where the victim cannot resist the commands of the spellcaster. Vampire's gaze, Imperius curse, and so on. It's a very well established trope. So, give me an argument, using in strip canon, that *all* mind control effects can be resisted no matter how strong. Link to the strip, please. I've established that in-strip it's possible to exert a mind control effect more powerful than Parfait's - much more powerful. Can you prove, using in-strip canon, that it's always possible to overcome mind control, no matter how powerful?
When fighting in the black vault the guardian used some form of stat debuff on everyone. Here. It crippled the supernatural monsters, sydneys shield made her immune, dabbler explicitly had well over 100% resistance to debuffs. Thats two methods of blocking this potential armegeddon super succubus elder mom coming in with full magi tech to amplify it to insane levels. Obviously there are ways to bypass block or counter it or else mind control dommy mommy would rule the universe. But thats not using in strip examples, its simple logic for the setting. So unless we get a smash cut to dabbs mum cackling on a throne inside a room titled "Throne room of all reality, the ruler of said sits on that chair" Im going to go with yes, it can be dealt with. You guys have lost all sense of logic or reason and flown into total panic mode where everything is ruined forever because archon might not be totally impregnable to everything ever.