'Oh, I'm still human...more or less, but being like this is a lot more interesting.' Rachel replied. She'll aim to get close enough that she could take the man by the hand if she wanted. 'And they did let me in last night. I'm working with them for the moment. Who exactly are Anna and Karl to you?'
The man's face twitches when Rachel states she is still human, though he only blanches for a moment. He smiles just slightly at her question, and with a small bit of mirth replies, "I guess you could say I am their housemate." He raises a hand to his chest, and adds, "My name is Fred. And you would be?"

Karl heads downstairs, the concern growing as he realizes Fred's heartbeat is beating within the room where Rachel was staying. He calls out as he approaches the door, "Fred? Everything all right? We have a guest.
Fred's grin falters for a just a moment when he hears Karl's voice, and he takes a step closer to the stairs, though his eyes never leave Rachel. "I'm fine," he calls back, "I was just... introducing myself."

She heard a conversation and walked towards the sound as she tapped away on her phone.

“Fred? How did it go?” she asked.
Now Fred turns his head, looking back up the hallway, though he quickly returns his surveillance of Rachel. "It went fine. Made some progress. Do you want to discuss it all now?" he calls, almost a little dutifully.

************************************************** ***

Kenji's message is a simple acceptance of Anna's report and what reads as a heartfelt request to be careful.

Katie doesn't reply, but Celestine does almost immediately. Her text reads, "Let me know when you are coming. We will try to make things ready for you. I will need to tell Uncle of course!"