Alahazra asks Alain to respectfully shut the door, and he does.

The party heads to the northern part of the ruined nave. This debris-laden chamber once held a shrine and wooden altar, but all of that was smashed decades ago by vandals. The ceiling here has remained intact over the years, helping to preserve a huge bas-relief statue of a muscular humanoid man with a pointy beard gesturing toward a huge mountain in the background, his face a picture of mortal concern.

The party discusses the statue amongst themselves to determine what they can. Zaihi (and most of the party) recognizes that the mountain in the background is Pale Mountain, largest of the Brazen Peaks and the site of many fell legends. With Khair's help, Alahazra recognizes that the bearded figure - the same one, apparently, as on the other side of the nave - is depicted in a manner similar to the way in which the faith of Sarenrae depict their saints, but this is not one of the more frequently honored saints of that faith.