Arl fires back at the Super Nova ranked Credit Guilder, choosing to target the man's offending weapon. But the shot goes wide as Drimmle begins to flee the battleground, climbing up the stairs.

(OOC: Arl misses)

Nearby, Father Milo curses as he struggles with the off balanced weight of the stolen shock maul. He curses, realizing he had not packed his sword or throwing knives, "Damn it all," leaving him with no alternative in this situation. Then he catches a moment when Shriek is still in close enough to strike, swinging the shock maul with all of his might. But the little woman, blood still dribbling out of her mouth, spins nimbly, causing the Father to spin almost off balance with the weight of his blow.

(OOC: cross referenced Bramble's post on what weapons Milo brought. He rolls a 19, but is unskilled with the weapon and takes a -20 penalty, dropping his WS to 10. I will keep Shriek's dodge roll for future use... as appropriate )

Marcella summons the power of The Warp again, calling on her powers to use Soul Killer. As the two psychic shards slam into Shriek. To Father Milo's horror, the short bodyguard simply vaporizes into an exploding red mist. The air is filled with the smell of burned flesh and iron, and Father Milo is left speckled with blood. Stricken by the sudden and unexpected violence, Father Milo simply collapses, feinting into sweet unconsciousness.

(OOC: So 9 damage to the head (12-3 for TB soak, was standing on 0 wounds) causes the target to cease existing in any meaningful way. Given that Milo is in close combat with Shriek at the time, I a rolled fear check given the shocking violence of what happened, which did not go well... see OOC thread.

It is now Hound's turn)

************************************************** ******

Pip nods his head, the sudden intelligence still burning behind his glassy eyes. "Right then," he says, showing his yellow teeth, "For a hundred thronesh, I'll get you on Cashmirre's ship the next time he docksh." Pip watches Arl with hungry expectation, almost salivating as he awaits Arl's answer.