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Thread: Seeking a DM

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    North Eastern UK

    Default Re: Seeking a DM

    I am an experienced player, but HATE the application process one has to go through online, it feels unnatural in a way having to apply for a game when one normally sits around a table with friends and has no need to go through any such process at all, lol.

    I am looking for a DM who is interested in running a long term game with 3-5 players, set in Forgotten Realms, set initially around the Moonsea/ Dales are, with interest in certain assets from that area, with characters around the range of level 10-15 to start off with.

    Basically shakers and movers, but not top-dogs.
    I am personally looking at wanting to play an L.N Human Paragon/ Dread Necromancer/ Merchant Prince? with his/her eyes on finding his body (his dead body was "disposed off" by the Pit Fiend pretending now to be Orgauth, previous DM hinted that his body was kept in the Iron Tower of Dis, which makes getting the body an ordeal by itself, which I'm totally cool with.) and Raising Lord Orgauth Denuthsson from the dead, to some semblance of intelligent undead form (Corpse Creature from BoVD) and teaming up with him some way, though not needlessly evil, obviously.
    I could even see him being an Corpse Creature himself, promoting anti-Zhentism.

    I'd want to have my scrub be Aristocrat 2-4 a base to start with.

    Hopefully the Dm would not be shy towards Leadership/ Undead Leadership, but likewise the players should not be min-maxing to the 4th degree nonsense, hence why I like getting Orgauth, coz he's a warrior-merchant, not a item-creation-factory-mage, lol, whether I'd get control of him via any form of leadership or as part of the undead under my control is up for debate. (I've statted him up as a lvl 11 char.)

    Edit; I should mention 3.5 Ed. as the system used, lol, if that wasn't obvious yet.
    And a 40? Point buy system?

    Further rant/ ideas;
    It would be funny to have all players play some form of undead, just not Vampire (to high of a Lvl Adj.) so have an all undead party? Maybe Gestalt?, not needed, but could make being undeads via classes in Libris Mortis easier.
    Last edited by Burning Spear; 2023-10-17 at 09:02 PM.