As Trask goes down, Hound turns his attention to Shriek, who is still embroiled in combat with Milo. His pistol bucks in his hand, roar echoing in the cavernous antechamber. Somehow, the knife wielding woman catches that she is being targeted and spins, separating herself from Milo as bullets go whizzing between the two combatants, miraculously hitting neither.

(OOC: Hound gets one hit after recalculating. Shriek successfully dodges.)

Meanwhile, Orla splits from Hound. Moving low and slow, she pulls herself close to the bannister of the stairwell and begins to creep her way towards Drimmle.

(OOC: We can say that at the end of her turn, Orla is just out of melee with Drimmle when she starts again... until...)

Ser Drimmle's voice reaches a pitch high enough to crack glass as he watches Trask fall to the ground dead. When Marcella disappears, he turns his attention to Arl, and fires again with his las pistol, a shot that should hit the man from Kesh straight in the chest. He then starts backing up, taking cautious steps up the stairs, in preparation to flee the combat.

(OOC: This will be a hit to Arl's chest unless he dodges, doing 9 damage presoak... why do I not see armor on his charactersheet? Will pause here before we go back to the top of the order, since it should be Arl up next anyways.

He moves 3m farther away from orla now.)

************************************************** *******8

Arl looks at Pip, noting his shift in demeanor.

"How much money are we talking about, Pip? I mean, there is a reason I've never been beyond mid-Hive..."
The grin returns to Pip's face, but this is a more knowing, more mirthful expression. He replies, "I shuppose it dependsh on what your lookin' for!"