So, what i dont understand is why we cant just accept that Illithid/Githyanki things are basically Space Stuff. They are the "aliens" of DnD, but with just sufficient fantasy twist to make them unique compared to other sci fi races.

Warforged are the Robots.

Underwater menaces are Aboleths.

Its a bit weird and wacky, but kitchen sink is what DnD always been about, if you go to the edges. Theres place for super traditional medieval statis (Cormyr) but theres plenty of other stuff that pushes the envelope.

Im happy they decided to explore the more "cosmic" side of DnD. They kept referring to it in the other Baldur's Gate, and it always seemed more gratuitous reference to crazy stuff than actually part of the story.

....wait a minute, is Volo the one who gives you the silver sword at the end of Act 2 of BG2 and lands you in trouble with the Githyankis?!