Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
I can understand that desire in other D&D campaigns - but this one is about the main character waking up on a crashing alien spaceship, so I'm not sure why a different alien mentioning tjjhe existence of spaceships is offputting, is all I'm saynig.
You're making the mistaken assumption that the Nautiloid at the start isn't part of what I meant when I said that.

Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
Understandable - but as I mentioned, I'm resisting the Urge, and in fact getting that tiefling to calm down is explicitly a resist moment

I will say there's an unlimited-use Speak With Ddead amulet very early on if that was your main reason for engaging with the book.
No, I got the amulet too (though that I thought it was once per day, not unlimited?). Used the book because I destroyed it the first time, and I could see this character deciding to see what it could offer, given how many things she's in dire need of help controlling (Tadpole, Dark Urge, Wild Magic). And it's nice not having to have to switch the amulet out with whichever one I wind up using more generally this time around.