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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: What Are You Playing: 9 Years since the Last Dragon Age

    Finished Cyberpunk 2077's DLC. Well, when I say finished, I mean "got to the final choices, took the option that seemed the only appropriate one by then, saw the outcome, tried the other option just in case, then closed the game and uninstalled it in disgust". This is some of the worst writing I have ever witnessed in high-profile videogames. Despite the excellent 2.0 overhaul, the DLC has soured me on CP2077 enough that I simply don't want to play anymore.

    Spoiler: Spoilers, obviously
    So you get two choices at the end, ostensibly also dependent upon a previous quest, but the other branch is even worse. Therefore, the choices I have been presented with are as such:
    1) Kill Reed, get Songbird to the moon, basically rendering all you've done in the DLC null and void, with you back to step 0 of "ok I'm dying and nobody can fix that", all that for a person who did nothing but manipulate you into doing stuff she needed to survive, and who will likely forget about you and stabbing you in the back in a few months. The game treats this as the morally correct choice, but it's also completely meaningless, because you're back on track to storming Arasaka Tower as the only solution to your troubles, having spent a few weeks of your already highly limited life doing nothing even remotely worthwhile.

    2) Hand Songbird over to Reed, and then the game pointedly lambasts you for it, because apparently you've done something very bad (i.e. let the consequences of Songbird's actions actually catch up with her for once) and are, somehow, a dirty traitor who has done a terrible thing and should feel very guilty about it. Then to reinforce just how poor of a choice it is (according to the game), you're given an ending where V is actually cured, but can no longer use any chrome (in a world defined by augmentations being ubiquitous), and most if not all of their acquaintances have moved on or just don't want to interact with them again.

    There are no good choices, and I don't mean "morally good", there is literally nothing you can choose that was worth even half the effort expended on this path. It is wildly unsatisfying in every way. It feels like a meme-tier cyberpunk TTRPG campaign with a GM who is wholly persuaded that PCs achieving anything goes against the rules and the setting. If this is gonna be the mainstream take on cyberpunk for the foreseeable future (seeing as Edgerunners was pretty much of the same persuasion), I'm not there for it.

    Time to fire up Elden Ring again. Somehow it's far less depressing.
    Last edited by Ignimortis; 2023-10-08 at 09:12 AM.
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