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Thread: OOC II: DH The Purity of Sacrifice

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: OOC II: DH The Purity of Sacrifice

    Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post

    @Wynde: Shriek is engaged in melee, which would give Arl an additional -20 modifier, which would make your attack a miss. I suspect Arl would have understood this intuitively, while this being a PbP game, I wouldn't blame you for missing this. Furthermore, the rules state that at the GM's discretion, if the modifier would lead you to miss, you'd end up hitting the other combatant (Milo), and that you have to allocate at least one hit to Milo if firing at semi or full auto; pg 196. I am annoying enough to enforce this rule, since I am going to have to wait for Banana to reply anyways, I'll give you the option of deciding: Are you sure you wanna do that? I won't let you reroll if Arl targets someone else, but I'll let you use those rolls if you want to have Arl target a different target.

    EDIT: Also, don't forget the second scene Arl is in, which I also replied to.
    Hadn't twigged to the fact she was in melee... it has been something of a week here....

    Failing dealing with Shriek, Arl would have "made sure" about Trask and his damned hand cannon...

    Thank you!

    Edit: Arl still has a half action -- what it would be probably depend on what happens to Trask.
    Last edited by Wyndeward; 2023-10-06 at 06:28 PM.