Astral Elf Armorer Artificer
AC: 23 HP: 101/103 THP: 10/10
PPer: 16 PInv: 19 PIns: 12
Conditions: Immune to Surprise, Adv on Init, Necklace of Adaptation
Concentrating: --
Asha thinks to himself he had the wrong read on the count. He would not have expected to be attacked like this. The thought happens in less than an instant, and the soldier bolts forward to get between Strahd and the others and throws two punches at the vampire.

Spoiler: Turn 1
Move - Move adjacent to Strahd
Action - Attack Strahd
Thunder Gauntlets - (1d20+11)[12] + (1d4)[4]
Damage - (1d8+7)[12]
Thunder Gauntlets - (1d20+11)[17] + (1d4)[2]
Damage - (1d8+7)[11]
Hit Effect - Strahd has Disadvantage to hit anyone other than Asha.
Move - Position to make sure Rue can attack Strahd.