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Thread: Cosmicsodacan's OOTS Fan Art Dump

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    Halfling in the Playground
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    Oct 2023

    Default Cosmicsodacan's OOTS Fan Art Dump

    I didn't see any active fan art threads, so I suppose it's on me to make one for myself.

    I draw OOTS fan art a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Vaarsuvius in particular has graced both my digital folders and my physical sketchbook over 300 times total--trust me, I've counted. So at the urging of some well-meaning family members to "send in" my artwork (whatever that means), I've decided to put a handful of my better pieces up on the forum. Keep in mind that most of these are rather old, so they aren't always an actual indicator of my current skill level.

    The group shot I did in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the first comic. (9/29/23, ignore Belkar's gloves; somehow I'd gotten it into my head that they were a permanent wardrobe addition rather than part of his cold-weather outfit.)

    A redraw/reimagining of a panel from OOTS #203. (5/25/23)

    A sketch page of Vaarsuviuses (Vaarsuvii?) inspired by card art from the OOTS game. (6/22/23)

    Redcloak being very menacing indeed. (4/30/23, his outfit/armor is a bit nonsensical; I plan on giving him a proper design sometime in the future.)

    Finally, my redraw of Vaarsuvius's transformation in OOTS #635. (6/4/22, this thing is super old and crusty, so don't judge it too harshly! )

    I have more if people are interested, but I'll leave it at these five for now. In the interim, there's more on my Tumblr if you'd like to check it out there.

    Edit: I’m not super used to old school forums, so some of these links might be wonky. I’m trying to work it out so they go directly to the image.
    Edit 2: Links fixed!
    Edit 3: Links fixed--the sequel!
    Last edited by cosmicsodacan; 2024-04-01 at 04:21 AM.