Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
"The Purgatory Ring?" Pip asks, clearly surprised by Arl's ignorance, "you've never hard o' it?" His face suddenly screws up for a moment, his neck going stiff as it looks like he is fighting the urge to vomit. A few moments go by and he takes a heavy swallow, then a gasp of air. Color returning to Pip's face he says, "Itsh... itsh an area of shpace on the border of the Ixaniad and Calixish shectors. Ixaniad naval law actually forbidsh travel through the Ring! Rumo hash it, that there's still xenosh infected planetsh out there."
"Naw, Pip... I ain't ever been above mid-Hive, let alone inta space" Arl said, sounding wistful. "Xenos... thass bad business, e'en if assa Rogue Trader, 'e's allowed..."