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Thread: Defenders of the District (MSH) IC

  1. - Top - End - #113
    Orc in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Default Re: Defenders of the District (MSH) IC

    AGR-01 listens to his super heroic allies before speaking, "While no kidnappers were seen during the attack and I am unaware of any ransom demands, his sudden disappearance after being submerged for a prolonged period by a superpowered attack raises enough concerns to at least check. As for the self-proclaimed 'Mighty Mississippi', I have no further information on her at the present time, though her actions would not seem to indicate she planned on kidnapping Bug. That said, I cannot entirely rule out some form of involvement in any such plots that may or may not exist at present or in the past. As for the question of flight versus automobile, I will have to disagree with Bolt on this; time may well be of the essence, so it would be logical to fly and arrive as soon as possible. If we arrive and bug is in no condition to be flown out, it would likely be a simple task to acquire a vehicle while there. Ultimately, however, this is a group decision on how we will go about it."
    Last edited by MutantDragon; 2023-09-24 at 03:54 PM.