Quote Originally Posted by Bennosuke View Post
The man grins, showing his maw of rotted teeth and all the black void behind them. And when he laughs, Arl gets the full force of his breath; all sour alcohol and boiled onions. "Where do they go," he parrots the question, grinning like he caught the bird in its cage. He leans forward and whispers, "We all know where they go," and winks a a lizard like wink at Arl. Still leaning forward furtively, "The real question ish, what ish he bringi'in." He burps in Arl's face. "I've sheen the ship logsh," Pip says, his grin widening expectantly at Arl's interest. With very little prompting he closes, "I know that the Rogue Trader'sh been goin' where he shouldn' be goin'... He'sh been goin' out to the Purgatory Ring, and that'sh no mansh land. The real queshtion, is what in Terra he'sh bringin' back. That'sh what I ashk myshelf."
"Whas the Purgatory Ring? Whys it no mansh land?"

Despite the slack-jawed look on Arl's face, his mind was racing, frantically trying to figure out how to pull out as much information as possible from Pip.