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Thread: [IC] Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

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    Firbolg in the Playground
    Dr.Samurai's Avatar

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    Default Re: [IC] Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

    Astral Elf Armorer Artificer
    AC: 23 HP: 101/103 THP: 10/10
    PPer: 16 PInv: 19 PIns: 12
    Conditions: Immune to Surprise, Adv on Init, Necklace of Adaptation
    Concentrating: --

    In the blink of an eye, chaos erupts in the catacombs. Zombies lurch from their crypts with startling speed, and the heroes find themselves separated and surrounded by zombies and frantic Barovians. Asha remains calm, having been in countless scenarios like this. The zombies claw and bite at him, but all save one are unable to penetrate the bionoid armor. One zombie gets a solid strike in, and Asha activates the shield on his arm to repulse the undead away from him. He looks around to reposition, but he is pressed in by the Barovians. He cuts the air with a sharp gesture of his hand, Clear the way! before lashing out with fists at one of the zombies.

    Spoiler: Turn 1 Reaction
    Repulsion Shield - Immediately after being crit by the zombie, Asha spends 1 charge of the shield to push that zombie away 15ft.

    Not sure which zombie is the one that struck him so I'll let Dangelo move the token.

    Spoiler: Turn 2
    Bonus Action - Defensive Field (gain 10THP)
    Action - Attack Zombie 3
    Attack - (1d20+11)[12]
    Damage - (1d8+7)[15]
    Extra Attack - (1d20+11)[28]
    Damage - (1d8+7)[13]

    Hit Effect - Zombie 3 has Disadvantage to attack anyone other than Asha until the start of Asha's next turn.

    Last edited by Dr.Samurai; 2023-09-22 at 02:16 PM.