Anna manages to hang onto her control, despite the ghoul's soft breathing, despite the heat of his body, despite the sweetness of his blood. She releases the man though her heart is still heavy, her body still aching and empty. The ghoul collapses forward when Anna releases, falling softly onto his elbows. She can hear his heavy breathing and the racing of his heart. But after a few moments, the Ghoul struggles to his feet.

"Thank you Mikey, that will be all," Tony says coldly, eyes shifting between the Ghoul and Anna. Dazed, the ghoul stumbles away on heavy legs, eyes still glazed over.

(OOC: Updated your character box)

"Thank you Tony," she said, without looking up, "I'm not sure if you realize how close that was."
He nods his head, and mutters something about it not being a problem. He listens intently, if not slightly impatiently as the group relay their story. When he is done, he shakes his head. "I... I'm not surprised about Fort, given everything my Sire has told me. And of course, he knows there's not much we can do about it. Nicholas' grasp on the city is still tenuous, he's been Prince less than a year. We can't go starting a war with Oakland, even though it sounds like Prince Reggie is doing everything he can to advance the Carthian's agenda here. But Nova. If she's in his pocket we have a problem. Do you have any news on her?"