The group start their walk through the streets of the upper hive, back towards Drimmle's manse. Compared to the congested, litter filled walkways of the midhive, things are open and quiet and clean this high up. The acolytes wisely chose to therefore follow side streets and alleys, winding their way closer and closer to Ser Drimmle's compound. Soon enough the group are a few blocks away from the property, near enough to see the house climbing above the other nearby buildings. His manse is built of white marble in a classic Terran style, all sculpted columns and cream brick, papered with a climbing ivy with leaves that range from a burned orange to a bright yellow, to a fiery red.

The group have blue prints of the entire compound and have previously broken in through a side door which the acolytes have a passcode for (assuming it was still active). However, something gives Marcella pause as they look out over the rooftops at the mansion. Studding various balconies and window sills are a number of new security cameras, which were not there previously. Drimmle had clearly beefed up his "defenses" since the acolytes had last broken into his home and trashed the place.