The Prince's face remains completely impassive as Anna speaks, betraying nothing. Still smirking he says, "You are right. Someone like you, should NOT be standing in front of me," and there is something about how he says 'you' that implies significant disdain. His gaze drifts over to the torpid body of Saul, still sneering. Fort sighs, taking in a deep and unnecessary breath before slowly letting it out. "Forgive me for not attending funeral for The Queen of the Damned... I was never a fan of her and her... monarchy." He casts his gaze up again, fixing his eyes on some distant corner of the ceiling. "So," he says with a chuckle, "do you think the Sheriff is here right now? Did she order you to come here?" The question is asked with an air of pure mocking, bordering on sarcasm. Not waiting for a reply, The Prince of Oakland says, "And what do we do now? Do you think you have the authority to take me into your custody? I suspect not. Probably wouldn't be a good idea."