Aaaaand back at the inn!

Ezren is there, and he receives the full report of what happened.

Nodding he says, "It is a pity that death should stare you so in the face, and nearly for two of your number. But you are at the beginning of your adventuring careers, and death is a constant companion in our line of work. Aroden is a lucky man. Unfortunately, I do not have endless resources, so he will need Grathar looking over him for several days while he convalesces. Meanwhile, I have a line on someone who might be a good addition to your group. Unfortunately, he is not a healer, but healers are like gold in this game; you always want for them, but don't always have access to them."

He lets what he says sink in and then asks, "So, will you be continuing your explorations, should I find a fourth member?"