Popping from the shadows, Rachel steps in front of the stumbling ghoul, her eyes locking with his. In an instant, the man is under her control. For less than a second, there is a flash of defiance in the countence of the ghoul, but it vanishes replaced with a dead eyed stare as he slowly lowers himself to the floor.

But the moment he has seated, the man begins to spring to his feet.

(OOC: Assuming we are just using Mesmerize, Rachel applies the mesmerized condition to the ghoul. She hasn't instructed him to stay seated , so in his next turn he is going to pop right back up, though theoretically Rachel can speak up before his turn.)

Before Reggie Fort can respond, Gabe is on The Prince, sawn off shotgun drawn and leveled just inches from his temple. At least the neonate was smart enough to follow Anna's lead.

The Prince of Oakland's lips pull back in a scowl at being cornered. He turns his dark gaze up to the ceiling and slowly raises both hands in submission, while Saul fumbles and stumbles over the stairs behind him. "Very well," The Prince says, refusing to turn his gaze down. His voice is low, almost quiet, and empty of fear. He says, "You have me captive. Speak your piece. Hounds of Prince D'Agostino, am I correct." Lazily, his gaze drifts down to the writhing Saul, but he still refuses to make eye contact with any of his captors.