Lord Zinro Varanash

Quote Originally Posted by truemane View Post
"Which means, when we destroy him, we may be destroying the castle. The valley. The town. The people. The Vistani."

Longer pause.

"And perhaps ourselves. If we put Strahd to the torch and Barovia vanishes. We may vanish too."
Zinro didn't say anything, but quietly hoped that the pale child was simply being melodramatic. To have come all this way, just to be denied the ultimate prize, would be a cruel joke. Was Lolth punishing him for some misdeed? Perhaps.... perhaps the power of this dimension was tied not to Strahd directly, but to the lord of this castle? If that were so, Zinro's power would be more than he had anticipated - he could grow a land to rival... nay... surpass Menzoberranzan! Yes! That must be it! Strahd was no doubt a powerful vampire, but surely there was a greater power at work here that the creature was simply leeching off of, true to it's nature. That power would be Zinro's. Such a prize gave him renewed strength.