So, just a general thing of discussion not related to the chapter... I saw a theory a little while ago speculating on what kind of "sage" Hashirama is.

Like, how Naruto was a Toad Sage and Katuo was a Snake Sage...

The speculation was that he was a "sun sage."

This was based partly on the idea that his cells are apparently capable of photosynthesis... But also based on his facial markings.

the symbol on his forehead is very similar to the Chinese oracle bone script character used to represent the sun, and Chinese oracle bone script is the earliest form of the writing system that became modern Chinese and Japanese writing.

I'd post a picture of he character but I' having a hell of a time finding a picture of just the character.

Then there are his eye markings, which... Looks kind of similar to the Egyptian Eye of Ra
especially when you combine it with the Ridge of his brow.

Being a representative of a Sun God... I mean, Kishimoto has drawn heavily from mythology and religion. This would be the only time he's gone further west than India but it's not too much of a stretch.

I'm not sure If I believe that theory, mind you, but... "Sun Sage" sounds cooler than "wood sage."