Quote Originally Posted by Haval View Post
Orla looks levelly at Milo before smiling. 'Muck and filth? Well we can't all be born into a place where you get servitors to wipe your arse for you. There are people who go to the Underhive to hide out sometimes but as far as I know no one gets sent there by punishment. If you've done anything to deserve that the Enforcers are more likely to throw you in a hole somewhere if they don't shoot you outright.'
Arl looks at the two of them, rolling his eyes and trying to stifle a laugh.

"Would the two of you save the venom for the heretics? Neither of you would likely survive on Kesh, any more than I would last too long in the Underhive... I might be able to survive topside, but only because there are folks who worry more about which fork to use than which knife to stab you with.

With that, he hefts his duffle bag up only his lap and unzips it, tossing aside what looks like a padded blanket and revealing a scoped hunting rifle, which he proceeds to wipe down with an oily rag.