'Huh.' Orla will glance briefly towards Marcella for any sign that the younger woman was taking this story seriously. She had heard something of the Inquisition without really understanding the details or even giving it credit. An organisation that was somehow everywhere and nowhere at the same time? She had more or less been told that the others were working for the Adeptus Terra. 'Well I guess if you're lying about that you're in more trouble then I'm ever likely to get into.' She doesn't sound like she thinks they were lying. 'And it would explain a few things.' The psyker and the big offworlder among them.
Interrogator Ezekiel's grand and almost threatening demeanor disintegrates for a moment at this, as he allows himself a small smirk. He hears Orla out further, and when she mentions having not seen the weapons up close he replies, "I would hope not." Orla had of course heard what happened to her Ria, her former clanmate who had secreted away the weapons from the battlegrounds and apparently been driven to insanity. She had been found in the midhive, rumor had it, ranting and raving and completely out of her mind. At getting payed he smirks again and replies, "Well, if you prove useful, and loyal, we can look into that." He raises a gloved hand to vainly study the fabric for a moment, then says, "And by the way, my name is Ezekiel, and I am an Interrogator. You can refer to me by this title. I... WE serve my master, Inquisitor Zarkov, who *sigh* both you and Father Milo will need to be introduced to at some point."