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Thread: IC II: DH The Purity of Sacrifice

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Default Re: IC II: DH The Purity of Sacrifice

    'Huh.' Orla will glance briefly towards Marcella for any sign that the younger woman was taking this story seriously. She had heard something of the Inquisition without really understanding the details or even giving it credit. An organisation that was somehow everywhere and nowhere at the same time? She had more or less been told that the others were working for the Adeptus Terra. 'Well I guess if you're lying about that you're in more trouble then I'm ever likely to get into.' She doesn't sound like she thinks they were lying. 'And it would explain a few things.' The psyker and the big offworlder among them.

    She'll answer the man's question. 'They told me they're trying to get those weapons out of the Underhive and hopefully off the planet. I've not seen them in use close up but I've heard the stories second hand from someone who did and I trust them. Could still do with getting paid at some point, but I am with you all the way in getting them away from my sisters. Maybe no one should have that sort of thing but the Tora and the Sabay definately shouldn't.'