R7T22: Mordren continues her retreat with her eyes peeled for the troublesome goblin. As soon as she stops by the door into the turret, she sees the little bugger and lashes out at her with a fist to the head for 11. It is a powerful blow, but this commando is a little tougher than the warriors that the PCs just chewed through, and she keeps her feet.

R7T21.5: She takes a risk by stepping back in the difficult terrain, but that risk doesn't pay off as Mordren punches her in the stomach for 7, dropping her.

R7T20: Grathar, you have a lit torch in one hand, and a healer's kit in the other. Reiko is standing over Bríg to protect her, but this does not interfere with any lifesaving efforts you might give. What do you do?

Reiko on deck,
Bríg in the hole ...