The dwarven woman looks at Aasgar with a look of shock at first. Then, as he continues speaking, she sees several more people way down the way. As Aasgar wraps up his speech, her shock, which had turned a little to fear, now turns to unbridled rage, shivering with vitriol as she stands to her full height of 4'7" (a giantess among dwarves) and unstraps and readies her finely crafted dwarven waraxe. "You'll ... never ... take me ... alive. YOU FILTHY, BEARDLESS, POETRY-READING, GREENSKINS!"

Begin Round One ...

Cici bolts in a hustle to stand beside Aasgar, her waveblade in hand. "Just stand down you mutant rock-kisser! This here's Aasgar Axewielder, hero of Trunau ... and his friends!"

R1T21: Kurst, you heard something about "greenskins" but it looks like a fight is about to break out. What do you do?

Spoiler: Battle Tracker

Cici: 25. Mage armor (5 hrs).
Kurst: 21. Bow in hand.
Aasgar: 18.
Abenor: 17.
Galakhar: 15.
Ingrahild Nargrymkin: 11.
Lucette: 9.
