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Thread: Altogether [IC]

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    Halfling in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2023

    Default Re: Altogether [IC]

    Endymia stayed quiet, waiting to see whether the commanding officer would take the bait. She was propped up nonchalantly behind the cart, but her fingers were digging into the hilt of her halberd. All the tension in the air made the moment draw itself out interminably. If things turned sour, she would be tearing these armored goblins to pieces in a few second's time. The soldiers looked like professionals, but then, so were they. She'd take their chances if it came to that. Now was the crucial moment. Now it was time to see whether they'd be leaving a wake of blood on their way into Blackwood.
    Last edited by Olive_Sophia; 2023-07-25 at 09:29 PM.