Mage's Manse

As the party pushes on beyond the cloak room, they enter a dark hall. As Bil crosses the threshold, several candelabras throughout the hall puff flames into existence to light the space, but the lights are a cold blue that doesn't add any cheeriness, instead emphasizing the cold and the gloom of the building. The hallway goes to the left and the right, and in both directions there is both a door on the inner wall and a turn in the hallway that leads deeper into the house.

Spoiler: Twists and Turns.

Spoiler: West

Spoiler: Door
A solid wooden door bound with metal straps sits in the frame, and periodically a fierce knocking shakes the door, like a massive fist slamming the door. There is a padlock and chains on the door, as though to keep something terrible inside.

Spoiler: Hallway
The western hallway turns a corner and leads to an extensive staircase, presumably heading upward to a second floor. There are windows on the landing, one of which is open, curtain streaming from a fierce wind. The night sky is covered by thick clouds and a puddle of rain water has formed on the landing, which is particularly interesting because outside the manse it was both daytime and dry.

Spoiler: East

Spoiler: Door
A rather ostentatious door rests in a frame with no apparent lock, just a fine latched door. There are three candles affixed to the brass filigree of the door- one red, one yellow, and one blue. Underneath the candles is an etched plate that reads "Only Royal Colors May Enter My Study

Spoiler: Hallway
The East Hallway curves around a corner to reveal a two sets of simple doors without locks, latches, or handles, which appear to swing easily on their hinges. Both and plain wood with some minor carvings. The south door has a cooked goose surrounded by fruit on it, while the northern door has a crossed knife and meat fork over a severed pig head with an apple in it's mouth.