Quote Originally Posted by u-b View Post
1. Are there any traders at the base now who can buy lots of stuff from us? Sean wants to procure enough bullets without going places like Gunmetal.
2. What would be the stats for 40mm Flame Jet round built generally like 12G round on HT103? Thinking of something with more content and wider spread than using a long 12G barrel, like maybe 1d burn range 35 cone with base 10 at price $100 adjusted.
1) Yes, there are traders at the base right now. However, they have only $1300 in spare bullets (65% of it in pistol, 25% in rifle, the rest are miscellaneous) with which to buy wares. They can trade other goods for your goods, depending on what you want in return. They have water, food, medical supplies (bandages, antibiotics, PatchUp Punch, etc.), common tools (reloading tool, bolt cutters, duct tape, rope, multi-tool, etc.), 18 black powder slam-fire guns, 20 gallons of fuel, lots of melee weapons, 3 common revolvers, 4 speedloaders and 4 sets of common low TL armor.

2) Not sure. If the dragon's breath round is 10-yards-wide cone, 1d-2 burn damage, Range 75, fire once every 4 seconds, can't fire from auto-ejector. (I'd say it's a TL 7 item, for x8 cost. The underlying tech is shotgun shell, worth $10, so $80 for just one Dragon's Breath round.) Therefore, I think your proposal is acceptable, it's worth $100 per shot. Do you plan to invent it?