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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Re: (IC IV) San Francisco by Night: A Requiem in Fog

    While most of the houses here have so little property, there is no room for a front yard, no need for a gate. But Saul's haven appears to have a small grassy yard behind the fence, as well as enough property so that its walls are not nearly kissing its neighbors'. The front gate has a key coded lock, which Anna and the others already knew about and no the code to.

    It looks like to get behind Saul's property would require walking around the side of the fence, along his neighbor's property, walking between the gate and the next door house's wall. Peering over from the side, you can make out that there is a second key coded gate in back, just like Ignacio said there would be.
    Last edited by Bennosuke; 2023-07-23 at 01:46 PM.
    Spoiler: Games I am Currently Running
    San Francisco by Night (Vampire the Requiem 2E)

    New Bedford by Night (Werewolf the Forsaken 2E)

    New Orleans by Night (Changeling the Lost 2E)