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    Colossus in the Playground
    lostsole31's Avatar

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    Default Re: Legacy of Fire: Howl of the Carrion King [IC]

    This is the GM-only Battle Book for my Legacy of Fire campaign.

    If you are a player in this game, seeking to learn from the contents in this thread is cheating. I have removed players from my server and several games they were in because they used the information here and were an idiot about having tipped their hand for having used this information.

    Begin Round One ...

    Almah, Garavel, and four soldiers dressed in the distinctive red chitin-plate armor of the Pactmaster Guard run back and forth between the burning fortune teller’s wagon and an uncovered wagon about 20' away. The latter contains a huge barrel holding enough drinking water to serve the entire campsite for a week. Bringing his mount to a halt, Khair deftly hops from the saddle with all the haste he can muster.

    ”I’ll assist the bucket brigade!”
    Khair shouts as he channels essence to his feet. A swirling tide of water engulfs Khair’s legs as the veil is strengthened and he begins moving at speed towards the fire brigade and grabs a bucket.

    R1T20: Seeing how inefficient this bucket brigade is, Alain closes and rolls off of Donahan who is sent to the side. He tries to lift the barrel full of water himself, but fails, and everyone around him is just shaking their heads.

    R1T19: A red-headed halfling cleric kneels next to two severely burned mercenaries who tried to enter the burning wagon. The cleric is tending to a badly wounded male mercenary, but he is unable to focus on his second patient, a swordswoman, who lies near death from terrible burns and smoke inhalation.

    Alahazra proves herself the third competent rider in a row among the newly-arrived mercenaries as she glides off her camel, closes to the wounded, and casts a spell dramatically. Glowing red warmth washes over the fallen woman. Though still unconscious, the swordswoman still coughs as her lungs expel some of the dangers of the smoke she inhaled, and thus showing signs of life.

    R1T17: Onyebuchi doesn't even try any fancy riding tricks, just carefully getting off his camel. Instead of joining the bucket brigade properly, he goes to stand right next to the lead bucket tosser in the line.

    R1T15: A modest collection of pigs, goats, and sheep accompanies Almah’s party on the journey to Kelmarane. The flaming wagon has unsettled these creatures, which somehow escaped from their pen in the confusion surrounding the fire’s outbreak. The middle-aged human camel driver and his wife do their best to wrangle the panicking animals, but their efforts are quickly being overrun by the chaos of the situation.

    Trevorn tells its strange non-sapient cactus to stay before moving out to try herding animals, proving how amazingly fast they are on their own two feet, but is doing a poor job of it. They calls out in their small voice, "Sir Alain, that's the encampment's drinking supply. Please, I could use the help of a master handler like yourself over here!"

    R1T10: Four burly mercenaries struggle with an enclosed wooden wagon within feet of the burning wagon, hoping to move it to safety before an errant spark causes it too to burst into flame.

    The slave girl Zaihi carefully gets off of her camel. As a slave, she is even more uncomfortable being mounted than the peasant Onyebuchi. She moves over to the wagon. "I am Zaihi, slave in the house of Merchant Princess Almah. I am strong. Please assist me."

    The men grunt and nod. For where Zaihi is a plain girl - even homely - she looks as strong as she claims and the timbre of the situation doesn't lend itself well to misogyny. They all brace, getting ready to move on her say-so.

    End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

    Khair, you don't have to specify anything. Do you turn-to and join the bucket brigade? You realize that many hands make light work, and yet all of your new companions seem distracted by other things.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2023-07-21 at 11:11 PM.
    18MAY2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Towns of the Inner Sea (2013, Bauer, Bonner, et. al.).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    bcool999: 02-07 JUN 2024.