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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: The Royal Artificery Society - OOC II: electric boogaloo

    This is all excellent information. I think Aiden is ready to proceed to his evening booking to experiment on some of his samples; he'll definately experiment with steaming the wood rather than boiling it, to see if that works. Steaming wood to bend it is common enough, and might not be relevent for large timbers for ships but still 'good enough' for small samples like for the violin. He won't think ahead to get something to rapidly chill the wood to test that part - he'll just have to try to make a friend with a mage who is working in one of the other workshops at the time!

    What do we know about the archduchess's son? He's 20 years old now, presumably being groomed to one day run the family. Is he accomplished, or.. thought of poorly?

    And are there any particular luminaries or shameful representatives in her family history (aside from Vilfaren specifically)? You don't need to make up and then give me all the deets, but Aiden would take notes because if he's planning a work that represents her family he needs to know where to draw attention and where to subtly de-emphasize elements of the lineage.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2023-07-15 at 01:29 AM.