Wighard has his usual "cast light on something" method

He might also consider sending Marsh Lights down there

Marsh Lights
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredient: A firefly (+1)
Description: You create the appearance of a number of distant lights
that suggest torches or lanterns. They appear within 100 yards
(50 squares) of you and can then be sent off in any direction.
They naturally follow corridors or paths and do not need to be
controlled or overseen in any way. You can control them more
closely if desired, but only as long as they remain in line of sight.
You can’t perform any other actions while controlling the lights.
The lights travel at various speeds, but never slower than 8 yards (4
squares) per round or faster than 16 yards (8 squares) per round.

Because that seems an excellent way to draw hostiles

He will also tell Siobhan where they are going