Taalia Giovanni

Taalia felt a surge of relief as she beheld the Weavers making it to safety and away from the Skaven raiding party. Speaking of...

"Get Leonardo ready. I'll bring you in close - wait for the roll, and hold tight with your legs!"

At first Taalia did not understand, but Cestie's intention soon became all-too-clear. Now that he had Taalia peddling absentmindedly, adding her youthful vigour to the flight, the older man was able to focus more on piloting his craft and did so with an idea to perform the first strafing manuever humanity might ever had produced - and what circumstance in which to attempt it!

The wind pressed against Taalia's face, blowing the loos strands of white hair about as her singular braid rested neatly behind her head. Catching Cestie's drift, the girl smiled and bit her lip as she unhooked her blunderbuss from its clip-in rack next to her. Drawing her aim to the left of the craft, she waited patient as her pilot snuck a look over his shoulder to better optimise the manuever to suit her current firing position.

Gun steady. The swamp passing below them in a blurred montage of dark green and browns, the flying machine swooped in low to a startled audience as Taalia levelled the muzzle of her weapon towards the thickest knot of rats and Crack!

The world seemed to slow down for a tenth of a second, allowing the girl to see the cloud of small lead-shots rake across the thicket of Skaven, smashing into skulls, tearing flesh and sending out little puffs of red mist, before Cestie took the craft up and banked around. Hurriedly reloading, Taalia closed one eye, aimed and Crack! her own internal hatred for the creatures spewing through her weapon and across their disorganised ranks...