The theives have a headstart on you - good for them. At least that means Augusto has a fighting chance of being far enough away that the rats lose interest or have enough prisoners to turn back, before getting to them. But you and Bella are somewhat behind, and so you run like hell is at your heels. In a sense, it is.

Bella barely has time to sling her staff to its sleeve on her slim travelling pack before your stride leads the way; almost pulling her off her feet with your instinctive need to avoid capture. There is no spare breath for conversation. You run east, toward Miragliano, toward the lip of the hill turning gold with the rising sun; toward the silhouettes of the thieves who have survived and recovered their friend because of your efforts.

...toward the familiar airborne shape framed dark in the eyewatering sunlight; its sole rider pumping his old legs furiously as the rising sun finally permits him to see you through his spyglass.

Maso Cestié banks north, and curves around. You read the movement immediately - he plans to come down low, the wheels skimming on the top of the hillock, the only clear and dry land for miles in any direction in the swamp. It will require you and Bella to leap aboard while it is still in motion and to get airborne again before the flying machine loses momentum.

Spoiler: OOC:
Make me an agility roll.

This isn't a succeed or die; it's just an open roll to inform the scene of how elegantly, or how just-barely, you manage to board the flying machine. Naturally, passing solidly is good; failing suggests you might just get a hand on a pedal and dangle in the air for a bit before climbing, achingly, into place. Whatever strikes you as most appropriate.