You race into the melee, and swing Daybreak along the troll's back. It skin splits under the keen elven steel, even if the wound is pulling closed moments after it is made in disheartening swiftness. Then come the sling bullet flies from Cesare...

Spoiler: OOC:
35 BS; -20 for friends in melee.

vs15 - (1d100)[34] for (1d10+3)[4].

Gianni sees the fight is being commited, sets Augusto down, aims.

vs40 - (1d100)[42] for (1d10)[1] dagger damage from Elda.

vs71 - (1d100)[88] for (1d10-1)[5] damage from an improvised weapon. She is prepared to use her blessing of Myrmidia to hit, if she needs do.

Narrative pending. Possible troll attack pending.