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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: [WFRP2e] The Power of One - Part 2 - "Transire Benefaciendo"

    You almost drag your spared swamp-skimmer as you and the thieves, themselves not happy to have that prisoner with them but more focused on the desperate imperative you gave them. You see it as it emerges - as huge and ugly as the one you killed, though with some variation; smaller ears on this one; and the nose is not a bulbous knob but a flat, batlike snout on the front of its head with not one but four great flaring nostrils. You see it over your shoulder as you and the others hide. It does not see you - because, as you had hoped, its attention is first on the torch spluttering away at the entrance to its cave. It puzzles over it for a long second before looking up - to the reeds where you and your companions hide; then down to the bloodsplash where you bound the man's hand; then the pillar which, it seems to recognize, is normally associated with its interests. It gives the stone, and the cut ropes on the ground with it, a generous series of sniffs; even eating a handful of the severed cords.

    The troll you saw before was not fixated on smell. Perhaps, being a 'river troll', it was adapted to lying in wait in water, where smell is less relevant. But this 'swamp troll' seems much more olfactorilly concerned...

    Spoiler: OOC:
    Between your previous troll encounter, and having successfully distracted it to establish a bit of distance and hide, I'm going to say that you don't need to make a fear check. Neither does the skimmer, who knew this danger already; he's afraid, bit not paralyzed by it. He would be very happy to get away. And Augusto is barely concious, so it's much of a muchness to him.

    But the thieves not so much...

    Vs31EldaFear - (1d100)[81]
    Vs37CesareFear - (1d100)[13]
    Vs31GianniFear - (1d100)[12]
    Vs31RafaelloFear - (1d100)[38]

    Narrative pending.

    Cesare's eyes widen, but his hand instictively goes to his sling, and he loads a lead sling bullet into it quietly. Gianni, one of the not-twins, sees the example and compies it. But Rafaello is locked in an eyes wide paroxysm of alarm; and Elda almost screams at the sight of the troll and all its presence implies, managing at the last moment to still her vocal cords so the sound is a quarillous sigh of horror instead. Witless as those two are, they won't be going anywhere until they get a grip. Augusto, hangong on Rafaello and Gianni's shoulders, quietly slurs...

    "...What's... Who..."

    Spoiler: OOC:
    Your turn. Trying to snap someone else out of fear is a command roll, which, if successful, allows your fellowship bonus in people to retake the test. Alternative, more heroic displays might permit this to happen with a bonus; but heroism of course has its downsides.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2023-07-07 at 04:37 AM.