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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers Part V: Zut Zut Zut and a Bottle of Bordeleaux

    Bertelis, BTW, is stronkest at 50 str. Does the chill -10 factor into the roll? Or is that only for accuracy stuff - WS, BS, Agi?

    -10 difficulty factored into the following roll
    Also modify:
    - 10 for chilly willy syndrome if necessary
    + 10 for anyone else who wants to grab the rope

    vs40stronk - (1d100)[68]

    If Wighard, Jasmine and Meloth jump in to help, we’ll succeed. Bruno is otherwise tormented for the moment. Poor bugger. First the neiglish rot, now this.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2023-07-03 at 03:56 AM.