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Thread: Dungeon Master [DM/GM] Registry

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Venoshock's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Default Re: Dungeon Master [DM/GM] Registry

    GM Profile : Venoshock

    Name: Venoshock
    Contact: PM
    Availability: Yes [open to requests]
    Frequency: 1/day or more
    Location: Will play on boards or over Discord.
    Most interested in GMing Pathfinder 1st ed., Fate (probably Accelerated), and Risus.
    Potentially interested in Mutants & Masterminds and Big Eyes, Small Mouth.
    Games I've never played but would like to try include in Champions, Blades in the Dark, and Dungeons & Dragons 2nd ed.

    Currently particularly interested in running a Pathfinder game using Spheres.

    GM Style: I like to tailor games to players as closely as I can, so an abundance of feedback is appreciated. I like to put having fun first and foremost, which often lends itself to more heroic, comedic, or butt-kicking-centric adventures, but I can do darker, grittier, and seriouser stories as well with the right people.

    For things like Pathfinder specifically, I'm open to almost any kind of 3rd party content, weird kind of concepts, high-powered whatevers, and experimenting with variant rules. So if you have something that never seems to fit or you never get the chance to try, I'd be glad to build a campaign that can include it.

    Potential Pathfinder Campaign Ideas

    * PCs are explorers helping established a settlement on a new land. They must survive monsters, eldritch weather, and the ruins of a fallen civilization.

    * Psionics-themed game with technological aspects. PCs take over a prison and fight powerful warlords in world ravaged by disaster. Intended to be a gestalt game.

    * Path of War-themed game taking place in a planar city where death is cheap (and often has to be replaced). PCs belong to a mercenary-thief guild and are recruited to steal a number of items from shrines scattered on various worlds. Intended to be a gestalt game.

    * Spheres and Shackles: Pirate-themed spheres campaign. Wouldn’t strictly follow the Skull & Shackles adventure path, but would probably steal heavily from it.
    Last edited by Venoshock; 2023-07-03 at 02:10 AM.