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    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers Part V: Zut zut zut and a Bottle of Bourdeleaux

    Bruno, Baronet Richter

    Spoiler: Image

    Spoiler: Shield image

    Spoiler: Personal Details

    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Hair: Light brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Right Handed
    Height: 1m79
    Weight: 70kg
    Religion: Taal and Sigmar
    Birthplace: Trautenau, Talabecland

    Father: deceased
    mother: deceased
    brother: farmer
    brother: farmer

    adopted uncle: Baron Franz Richter

    M WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel A W FP IP
    Base 4 36 38 38 35 41 39 36 47 1 11 4 0
    Advance +20 +20 +10 +10 +20 +15 +15 +10 +4
    Current 4 56 58 43 40 51 59 56 67 2 15/15 4 5

    XP: 6200 total / 0 to spend

    Spoiler: Skills

    academic knowledge (genealogy/heraldry) (int)
    academic knowledge (history) (int)
    animal care (int)
    animal training (fel)
    blather (fel)
    charm (fel) (+20%)
    common knowledge (Bretonnia)
    common knowledge (empire) (int)
    consume alcohol (T)
    dodge blow (ag) (+10%)
    drive (str)
    evaluate (int)
    follow trail (int)
    gamble (int)
    gossip (fel) (+20%)
    navigation (int)
    outdoor survival (int)
    perception (int) (+10%)
    performer (musician)
    read/write (int)
    ride (ag) (+10%)
    search (int)
    speak language (Breton)
    speak language (reikspiel)

    Spoiler: Talents

    marksman: +5BS (in Base profile)
    resistance to poison: +10% T vs poisons
    quick draw: draw weapon free action
    specialist weapon group (gunpowder): Can use weapons in group
    specialist weapon group (cavalry): Can use weapons in group
    specialist weapon group (parrying): Can use weapons in group
    specialist weapon group (fencing): Can use weapons in group
    etiquette: +10% on charm/gossip vs nobles
    strike mighty blow: +1 dmg with melee weapons
    luck: 1 extra fortune point/day
    savvy: +5 Int (in Base profile)
    schemer: +10% on intrigue charm tests and WP vs charm
    Public speaking: Affect 10x the people with charm tests
    suave: +5 Fel (in Base profile)
    Dealmaker: +10 on haggle and evaluate skill tests

    Gift of Taal
    the gift of peace: spend a fortune point to speak first, before blades are drawn. against normal animals or people. this autosucceeds with a number of degrees equal to your fellowship. against chaos or notable foes, you must make a fellowship check against their WP to get through to them. note that slaughtering a notable enemy (unless he succeeds on his WP check) after this has been used will result in bad things happening.

    Spoiler: Trappings

    good clothing consisting of a shirt, breeches, boots and a heavy cloak
    a backpack containing a blanket, a wooden tankard, a wooden cutlery set
    Hand weapon (sword)
    a purse
    pistol with firearm balls and gunpowder (30/40 left ordinary, 10/10 good quality (given to Jasmine))
    heavy armour (full plate, full chain, full leather)
    shield (with his coat of arms)
    shield (best quality, coat of the group, +5% WS for parry)
    rope (10 yards)
    warhorse with saddle and harness (still in training, gift from Bertelis)
    riding horse (pack horse) with saddle and harness
    water skin
    rations (1wk)
    fish hook and line
    noble's garb 5x (1 good quality, 1 in group colours, 1 Bretonnian)
    jewelry (37 gc) (signet ring, necklace with heraldic symbol)
    horse fodder (8 days)
    Main Gauche

    Gold: 21gc, 34s 0p remaining

    Spoiler: Background

    Bruno was born in the small village of Trautenau in Talabecland. It was a small and poor village which had trouble growing enough food to feed themselves, let alone pay taxes. As the third son, his prospects weren't good at all and as soon as he was old enough, he had to help on the fields. The village was out of the way but sometimes a small trade caravan passed through, which was a huge event for the village. The year he turned 16 his father died and with his brother now in charge of the small farm, there was even less for him to look forward to, so when a caravan passed the village, he decided to join up. It was quite different from life in the village but soon he grew accustomed and he started following the roadwardens assigned to the caravan. They took in the young boy and started training him.

    After a year or so he was appointed roadwarden himself and together with a more experienced man, assigned a stretch of road to patrol. He had been doing that for a few years, when they arrived at a caravan that was besieged by a group of beastmen. The roadwardens managed to surprise the beastmen and attack from behind, but they quickly recovered. It was a long and difficult fight and in the end only Bruno, Baronet Joseph Richter (younger brother to Baron Franz Richter) and two of his servants survived. They managed to get to the nearest coaching inn and raise the alarm about the beastmen. The Baronet was quite impressed with Bruno and asked him to become his squire.

    This was a new experience for the young man and while Joseph wasn't all that rich and also more of a country noble than a city noble, he did have to adapt to his new situation, as for instance some etiquette was expected of him. A lot of these lessons came from a Professor Lorrimor, who had requested to stay at the Richter estate to research some ruins nearby. Joseph had his squire Bruno take care of the professor while he was there and in return, Lorrimor taught the young squire how to read and write and the knowledge of heraldry.

    A couple of years later, Joseph had to represent his brother with a merchant's guild when a rival guild tried to poison him. Bruno, who wasn't affected by the poison, managed to save Joseph and the lead merchant. In recognition for this and the fact that he had managed to get some excellent terms in the agreement, Joseph formally adopted the young man and when he died a few months later, Bruno was now Baronet Richter. There wasn't much money nor an estate, so he continued to roam the empire and make his way in the world that way. His adopted family lets him do so, as long as he doesn't embarrass them (if he's away, they don't have to feed him). They didn't mind him becoming part of the family, but that doesn't mean they're going to just give him money.

    Spoiler: personality

    Bruno still remembers his time on the small farm, so he's a lot kinder to the common people than most other nobles. Also his title is one of the lowest noble titles and it doesn't come with a lot of money, so he has to work for a living just like them. He's soft-spoken and will seldom raise his voice, although in combat he can be heard if he wants to.

    Spoiler: description

    Burno is a nice looking young man, although he has some scars from fights from earlier in his life. He's a bit above average height, but with his brown hair and eyes, he can be from just about anywhere in the Empire. He wears simple, sturdy adventurer's clothing while on the road, although he has a nicer outfit should the situation call for it.

    Spoiler: Advances

    all advances from roadwarden and squire (no mastery, only gossip as that comes standard from being human and roadwarden)
    read/write, luck, savvy, schemer, specialist weapon group (parrying) and +5 FEL from Noble (all other advances are already from previous careers)
    all from courtier

    skills to get from duelist career:
    dodge blow, gamble, perception, intimidate, sleight of hand

    talents to get from duelist career:
    Ambidextrous or disarm
    master gunner
    mighty shot
    strike mighty blow
    strike to injure

    Spoiler: Trappings still to get


    Spoiler: armour

    full plate (with full mail and full leather underneath)
    head: 5
    body: 5
    arms: 5
    legs: 5
    Last edited by farothel; 2024-02-01 at 04:09 PM.
    Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett

    "Magic can turn a frog into a prince. Science can turn a frog into a Ph.D. and you still have the frog you started with." Terry Pratchett
    "I will not yield to evil, unless she's cute."