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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    May 2018

    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers Part V: Zut zut zut and a Bottle of Bourdeleaux

    Current Balance of Company Funds:


    A 200ton cog Liveship called "Trundheim"

    Imperial Merchant Marine flag

    Flag with the company logo


    there is a ring with a large inset ruby in it - held by Wighard until it can be leveraged

    Fancy Stuff:

    Wighard - Wand of Magus Trakore

    Cape of Destiny

    Flower Crown of Taal

    Jasmine finds a raggedy notebook containing the exploits of an explorer named till krahl in norsca

    The Nutcracker is a Best Quality Firearm. Thus, its profile:

    The Nutcracker. Encumbrance: 27 (though 'caddied' by Bully, if you prefer). Type: Gunpowder. Damage: 4. Range: 24/48. Reload: 2 Full. Qualities: Best Craftsmanship (+5% to hit), Impact. Value: 3000GC~.

    Dagger Of Halflings

    The Dagger of Halflings will only display special magic properties in the hands of a Halfling; to other users, it simply counts as a magical weapon against creatures only affected by such. Although only the size of a dagger, when used by a Halfling, it counts as a normal sword, with an additional +10 bonus conferred to WS.

    - That bonus does not count when fighting other halflings, because they can perceive its true nature and because Hin shall not kill Hin - or whatever the word is here

    Bruno - One of lord Armata's noble outfits

    Taals Gift of peace: spend a fortune point to speak first, before blades are drawn. against normal animals or people. this autosucceeds with a number of degrees equal to your fellowship. against chaos or notable foes, you must make a fellowship check against their WP to get through to them. note that slaughtering a notable enemy (unless he succeeds on his WP check) after this has been used will result in bad things happening.


    BQ Axe

    Bone Flute of Soul Trapping


    Misericorde of Poisonous Malice - Held in his boot for the moment (Magic and +4 wounds from Black Lotus)

    Gimgroth - a rapier with a jewel in the pommel. the blade is razor-sharp and is inscribed with writing that seems a tad out of focus. the rapier is slightly magical, and the classical on the blade comes into focus. it reads demonbane, slayer of Vro'dros Ambergazer this blade has the impact quality against daemons. and glows red when they are nearby

    Gift runic item - Best Quality Warhammer (Hand Weapon) perm rune of fury temp rune of might

    Flower Crown of Taal
    Once per day, you can cast stags leap on yourself. the crown has 2 magic dice you can use to cast it

    Flower Crown of Taal
    Can see the winds of magic, and can bane or boon them once a day (add +1 to a magic characteristic, or -1 one enemies one)


    the lambent purple gem that had been part of the ruse to pull their coach over on the road to Talabheim - is a dreaming stone

    its basically astral projection, but fickle and prone to showing dark things

    its a palantir from lotr

    six large glass bowls with a gem inserted in the neck slot (like a fish bowl) - enable one to breath underwater

    5 matching silk nobles outfits

    To be dealt with:

    Six 5 Magic Marbles - create smoke screen, suggest give most to Jasmine
    - One used by Bertelis on the LiveShip

    White and Black horses found by Bruno after the skaven encounter

    Spoiler: Former Slugs

    Glod - Three bottles inscribed with khazalid runes - hodl the spirit of ancient dwarf runesmith thurfam longbellies, may ak 1d5 questions of each before he departs

    Three ingots of Gomril

    Destroyed the Trundheim Flambard

    Gift runic item - Plate Helmet with Permanent Rune of Stone

    2 matching silk nobles outfits


    Ilthmar mail shirt
    Last edited by wilphe; 2024-04-18 at 12:20 PM.