Ayalla Nazonda
Spirit Medium
HP: 33/33, HD: 5/5, AC: 15, Resistance: Lightning
Conditions: Concentration Bless
Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd: 2/2
Wuffles (Wolf Familiar)
HP: 31/31, HD: 5/5, AC: 16
"I am Ayalla Nazonda, a Gyðja by trade. This is Wuffles."
Ayalla Nazonda is an air genasi with light blue skin that matches the clear midday summer sky, long white hair that almost floats in defiance of gravity, and eyes the color of the golden rays of sunlight at dawn. She is wearing a brown leather duster over a blue coat of plate. As she moves her feet barely touch the ground as she seemingly glides around. An unusual timber wolf accompanies her. Its coat is deep black and there are motes of light that glow faintly and move around on it.