Taalia Giovanni

Taalia gave a point conceding shrug, the question of how to bring the wayward son back into the fold a puzzling one that she had not had to encounter before. Normally if she didn't get along with someone she just didn't interact with them. But this was a different problem entirely. It's not that she didn't want to help - she just didn't know how.

This puzzle was compounded by the cubsequent clan gathering, as a hundred Cestie's poured in from the area to celebrate the return and departure of an infamous member of their group: Maso Cestie. He was a mad genius now, but back then he had been the black sheep, spoken only of in disapproving, hushed whispers by the elders of the franchise. This only made the event endearing, because it was clear that despite Maso's prior trespasses, he truly was missed.

Taalia found herself in the thick of the event, having long come out of her shell over the past few years since her time as a slave and a fish out of water. Her height and hair color drew immediate questions and stares, with numerous children wanting her to hoist them into the air, much as she had at that first festival she had visited, her arms and stature pushing the kids close to 9 or so feet into the air where her strong hands retained them so that she could 'fly' them around as a recreation of Maso's flying machine. When she wasn't providing childrens entertainment, she sat among the adults and enjoyed a wide variety of sea food-based Tilean cuisine. Taalia noticed the difference almost immediately, comparing the dishes here with her hometown of Bella Collina. Being much more inland, Bella Collina was more hearty in its reliance on pork, mutton, beef, pasta's and potatoes, while here it was sea-food, with squid and fish dominating the menu along with sweet wines and sherries - and Taalia loved it!

She told stories of her travels, she answered honestly if some hushed quietly and asked if she was the girl that escaped the ratmen and she spoke of their journey from Bella Collina to their present point and the planned destination ahead - all the way to Altdorf!

To see the ease with which the girl enjoyed herself and provided a warm socialite to the event and compare it with her initial awkward, well-intentioned bunglings 2-3 years ago, spoke of a world of change.