Sergeant Hackford adjusts his cap and clears his throat before answering, his voice steady and authoritative. "You'll be parting ways with us tomorrow morning at dawn. We'll provide you with the necessary supplies and equipment for the mission, along with any last-minute information we can gather. As for the engagement point, we've identified a small village called Blackwood on the outskirts of the enemy's stronghold. It's a secluded area with minimal civilian presence, making it an ideal rendezvous point for your team."

He takes a moment to study the map spread out on the table before continuing. "Once you reach Blackwood, you'll need to locate a discreet safe house we've established there. It's run by a contact of ours who can provide further intelligence and support. I'll give you the exact coordinates and a coded phrase to identify yourselves upon arrival. Remember, security is paramount, so be cautious and blend in with the locals as much as possible."

The sergeant's gaze shifts between Tommasia and Evindal, emphasizing the importance of their mission. "You'll have to rely on your wits and resourcefulness, as this is a high-risk operation. I trust that the skills you've displayed in your previous assignments will serve you well here. Any questions before we part ways tomorrow?"


You guys can head out whenever, basic supplies (ie non-magical) within reason are available inside the hideout.