"Cheese and crackers, dwarf. You're more impatient than me," says Drake. "Are we going to search this room? As it is, we sort of gave the last room a pass."

"Yeah," says Sal. "As far as Roslar, the key question is .... did he have this place built, or was it built for him? If this place was devised and built by his loved ones, then it doesn't matter what he did or didn't do in life - though others building it lends more credence to performance of these deeds - as the deeds are attributed to him. Besides, look at this place. It's massive. Bigger than any tomb we've come across in the States. I mean, there are tombs of monarchs - and not many - in our world that exceed this place. But for a guy who wasn't a king or sovereign, it's no joke. No, I think Roslar was probably legit, but if you notice ... it seems that there are also dissenting or even accusatory clues that tell us that he was like any great person in history - complicated."